Elfu Bob Club

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Refugee programme Little Sisters of St. Francis

The Little Sisters of St. Francis are a congregation that first started in Uganda and has since spread all over East Africa. In their efforts to reach out to the poor and the needy, the sisters have amongst others set up a refugee programme in Kaserani, Nairobi. Through the programme refugees from Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia etc receive support in their efforts to deal with the hardships of living the life of a refugee in Nairobi. Apart from support in the form of food, clothes and school fees (refugee children do not benefit from the abolition of school fees for public primary schools) the sisters also offer practical classes to grown-ups, building skills that can help them to earn some income. Currently the programme offers classes in English, tailoring, computer and catering.
Elfu Bob supported the refugee programme of the joyous Little Sisters by buying a number of text books for the English class and an overlock machine and plenty of material (scissors, thread, needles, chalks, rulers etc.etc.) for the tailoring class.


  • Thank you for your work. It is useful to know that Elfu Bob is there to do the ground work in identifying worthwhile projects that require support. From here, your efforts support us in helping those in other parts of the world who need assistance in becoming what they can be and finding ways that will support their families.

    By Blogger Helen Perkins, at 4:29 PM  

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